Kindergarten students at Hope love reading with their book buddies from Grade 4!
The Hope Student Council did an amazing job organizing a festive week before winter break!
Thank you to Mrs. Ethier and the Hope Elementary 4th and 5th grade chorus for a fun-filled holiday concert on the Thursday before break! We have such talented performers in our Hope community!
Check out all the wonderful things happening throughout the Scituate School Department in Superintendent Andries first Central Office Monthly Newsletter!
Third Graders at Hope Elementary focused on gratitude in the month of November! They wrote a 5 paragraph essay about what they are thankful for and even made a "gratitude pumpkin" in the classroom!
1st-grade students in Mrs. McCann's class at Hope Elementary have been busy completing Mystery Science lessons from the Animal Traits and Survival unit! They had to test a bird beak vs. a duck beak for getting food- which is more efficient under certain circumstances. They also learned about camouflage and they had to create a camouflaged moth in the classroom.
Hope Elementary's annual PTA-sponsored Turkey Trot raised a whopping $17,700 this year! Congratulations, to the top raising class -- Mrs. Hanson's class raised a total of $6,030, earning students a pizza party for all of their amazing fundraising efforts! The top 10 individual fundraisers earned special Hope t-shirts -- Ayla O., Macy C., Mackenzie G., Wesley S., Beckett R., Grace K., Charlotte L., Angelo G., Chase A., and Kendall C.! Thank you so much to all families for your amazing fundraising efforts and continual support!
Second grade students at Hope Elementary had an amazing time on their field trip to Roger Williams Park Zoo last month!
In October, Hope Elementary Kindergarten students paid a visit to Salisbury Farm! The students picked pumpkins, went on a hayride, and got the opportunity to pet many farm animals!
In October, Hope students who completed the Summer Homework/Reading Challenge not only celebrated with extra recess, but also had the opportunity to select a new book to bring home!
On October 25th we held a district-wide pink out day! Our football and boys soccer team raised money during their games, and the middle and high schools sold pink donuts and collected donations. All elementary schools also helped to raise funds and all together the district raised $1,675 to donate to the Gloria Gemma Breast Cancer Foundation! Way to go Spartans!
Congratulations to Sergeant Parenti for receiving the Officer of the Year Award from the Rhode Island State Grange!
Hope Elementary started a new tradition this year! Each Monday morning, they come together to start the week off on a positive note while building community and school spirit. Student Council Representatives take the lead on morning announcements and the pledge of allegiance, and they review school rules/policies, learn about a special social emotional topics, and celebrate Husky Hoorays and other student awards! Students are also joined by Mr. Jay and the district's therapy dog, Glory! Many students report that Monday mornings are easier after being greeted by Glory!
Our Hope Elementary students love High Five Fridays! Thank you to SRO Sgt. Parenti and our Girls Tennis Team for their High Five Friday visit.
Hope's October Family Newsletter can be found at this link:
Happy Reading!
Check out the Hope monthly school newsletter here!
During the month of May, Hope Elementary students had an exciting butterfly release day where they were able to watch their classroom butterflies stretch their wings for the first time!
Grace K., a 3rd grade student at Hope Elementary is a star reader! She was the first student in the entire school to read 1000 steps during this school year, far surpassing the goal number of steps this year. Grace, keep up the amazing work!
During the last few weeks of school, Hope students had the opportunity to be entertained by the Bwana Iguana Reptile Adventure! This exciting program entertained students in grades k-5 as they learned about the mysterious world of reptiles and amphibians!
On May 21st, Hope students and families participated in Hope's Arts Night! Families had the opportunity to participate in STEAM activities, explore student artwork created throughout the year, listen to a fabulous chorus concert, shop the Scholastic Book Fair, and enjoy some dinner from Pam's Grill Food Truck!