We have some very talented musicians at North Scituate Elementary! Students in grade 2 worked on bucket drumming in February. They did a great job following along to the beat! Our students in grade 4 did an excellent job learning how to use their recorders, and they were very excited!
10 months ago, Scituate School Department
grade 3
grade 2
At North Scituate, Ms. Cuttle's 4th-grade class has been busy measuring angles in their math unit. Students did a great job working together and using math tools to complete the activity.
10 months ago, Scituate School Department
north scituate
Congratulations to our middle school students who earned Spartan shout-outs last week!
10 months ago, Scituate School Department
spartan shout outs
Students in Grade 1 at Hope Elementary worked hard in February on their penguin crafts and animal writing! Everyone had tons of fun, and they were proud to show off their work when it was complete!
10 months ago, Scituate School Department
grade one
In our Computer Integrated Manufacturing class, our students continue to cycle through self-paced learning stations. The stations that were active this past week were computer-controlled milling, MIG welding, oxy-acetylene cutting, and sheet metal fabrication!
10 months ago, Scituate School Department
computer integrated manufacturing
computer integrated manufacturing
Our amazing Clayville student council worked hard in February selling carnations and stuffed bears for a Valentine's Day fundraising effort!
10 months ago, Scituate School Department
student council
Congratulations to Jason Bettez and Deedee Marzini on being nominated for a “Student Spartan Award.” Students are recognized by teachers and staff for their involvement with something positive for the school culture and community! Jason and Deedee will be entered into a raffle for a Cold Brook Cafe gift certificate.
10 months ago, Scituate School Department
Student Spartan Award
Our grade 3 students at North Scituate have been working hard to make sure they make kindness a priority every day!
10 months ago, Scituate School Department
north scituate
north scituate
Students in our Biomedical Innovations class have been testing water samples for the presence of toxic chemicals. They are working on the 4th mission for Biomedical Innovations where they assume the role of an environmental scientist and try to figure out what is making our fictional "Williams family" sick.
10 months ago, Scituate School Department
Biomedical Innovations
Biomedical Innovations
Congratulations to our Hope Elementary students who received recognition for their positive behavior in February!
10 months ago, Scituate School Department
hope elementary
Students in physical science investigated the law of conservation of energy. They used the CPO rollercoaster to collect times and calculated kinetic and potential energy at various points along the track!
10 months ago, Scituate School Department
science class
science class
10 months ago, Scituate School Department
Last month fourth graders worked together on reading and literacy assignments while they tested out Clayville's new flexible work spaces! Clayville used grant-funded flexible seating and sensory materials to transform the mini-conference room into a small group focus space. Thank you to Mrs. Theroux for coming in over vacation to set up the new spaces!
10 months ago, Scituate School Department
flexible work space at clayville
last week's lesson in the International Foods classes was how to prepare Empanadas! Students prepared the dough one day and then made the filling and assembled them the next.
10 months ago, Scituate School Department
international foods class
international foods class
international foods class
Congratulations to our students who earned positive office referrals last month at North Scituate Elementary! We are so proud of all of your hard work!
10 months ago, Scituate School Department
positive office referrals
positive office referrals
positive office referrals
Students at North Scituate in grades 3 through 5 participated in a Yoga and Mindfulness session through the Learn365 Grant!
10 months ago, Scituate School Department
Learn 365 grant
Congratulations to our middle school students who earned Spartan shout-outs last week! Let's keep up the great work!
10 months ago, Scituate School Department
Spartan shout out
Spartan shout out
Spartan shout out
Before winter break, thanks to Sergeant Parenti, the Working With Children class visited North Scituate Elementary School first grade. The high school students planned a lesson and activities on friendship. We thank the first grade teachers for allowing the students this great experience!
10 months ago, Scituate School Department
Education Pathway
Education Pathway
Education Pathway
Tuesday, February 6th was our 100th day of school! Our Hope Elementary students celebrated by dressing as if they were 100 years old!
10 months ago, Scituate School Department
100 days of school
100 days of school
last week, International Foods classes prepared pot stickers, making their own dough and filling. They were a favorite of many!
10 months ago, Scituate School Department
international foods